The Interspecies Database helps researchers to make an optimal choice of species and strain of the animal model, which is essential for efficient extrapolation of animal data to humans or other animals. The database has initially been developed by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports. It is offered by the 3Rs-Centre ULS in collaboration with the RIVM.
The Interspecies Database is part of the 3Rs Database Programme, together with www.humane-endpoints.info and fcs-free.org. These websites will help you with the refinement and replacement of animal experiments, respectively.
How to use this website
You have access to a free comprehensive database. Make a choice out of the different species and strains, organs, age classes, gender and specified parameters and compare these with each other or with human data in order to choose the best model for your research.